ODNR Requests recreational boating photos from the public

Photography enthusiasts willing to capture the essence of Ohio’s recreational boating and spread the joy of being on Ohio’s waters can submit their photos to the Ohio Department of Natural Resources’ Division of Watercraft. Selected images will be highlighted in an online photo gallery.

The 2012 “Enjoying the Water” photo challenge is an opportunity for photographers, age 18 and older, to reveal their passion for Ohio’s spectacular boating opportunities. Photographs taken between Dec. 1, 2011, and Nov. 30 on Ohio waters can be submitted to the Division of Watercraft through Nov. 30.

Submissions must be the original work of the photographer and can portray any type of legal and safe boating related activity on any kind of registered watercraft. They can incorporate shoreline landscapes, wildlife or people enjoying a variety of boating activities. Both black and white and color photographs will be accepted. All submissions become the property of the Ohio Division of Watercraft.

Outstanding photographs will be featured on the Watercraft website and Facebook photo gallery. These photos may also be used to promote safe, responsible boating through the website and publications.

For guidelines and additional information, visit www.ohiodnr.com/watercraft. To enter, send an email to kris.weber@dnr.state.oh.us with the attached digital photo.