Ohio’s New Fishing, Hunting and Trapping License and Permit Sales System is Up

Customers Should Buy Their Licenses and Permits Early to Avoid Lines

Ohio’s 2011-12 fishing, hunting and trapping licenses and permits are on sale now, according to the Ohio Department of Natural Resources (ODNR), Division of Wildlife.

“Some agents have decided not to continue to sell licenses and others have decided to join as authorized license sales agents. Don’t assume the place where you bought your license last year is still selling them.” said Vicki Mountz, acting chief of the Division of Wildlife. “Visit wildohio.com to check the list of current license agents or purchase your license online.”

Licenses purchased online or at a retail outlet will be printed on 8-1/2 x 11 paper that can be folded down to credit card size. Licenses and permits will appear on the left hand side of the document and the remaining column space will be printed with information relevant to the license or permit purchased. License paper will not be waterproof and must be protected.

Each license buyer must have a Social Security Number (SSN) recorded in the system. Sportsmen and women who have purchased licenses in the past and who provided an Ohio driver’s license will most likely be unaffected. Youth hunters and those hunters that have never had a driver’s license swiped during the license buying process must provide their SSNthe first time they purchase a license in the new licensing system.

SSNs are required to purchase a recreational license, regardless of age, for the purpose of child support collection enforcement under Federal Statute 42. As a recreational license provider, the Division of Wildlife is obligated to comply with this law, and cannot issue a license or permit without the SSN of the purchaser. The division will see that a proper security system is in place to protect SSNs and any databases that contain them.

The new Web-based license and game check system incorporates better management and integration of license sales information, hunter education, controlled hunt allocations, arrest report tracking, and automated game check processes—all in real time.

Licenses and permits can be purchase online at wildohio.com and at hundreds of agent outlets throughout the state. The license will be valid March 1, 2011through February 29, 2012. The 2010-11 licenses expired February 28, 2011. A complete list of participating license sales agents can be found at wildohio.com.

The Ohio Department of Natural Resources ensures a balance between wise use and protection of our natural resources for the benefit of all. Visit the ODNR Web site at ohiodnr.com.