Michigan's Port Crescent, Sleeper state parks subject of March 30 DNR meeting

View from behind the band at the Cheeseburger in Caseville Festival.
We always camp at Sleeper State Park for this event, which is
absolutely no fun so don't come, and don't steal my campsite if you do.
DNR to hold Public Input Workshop March 30 on Management Plans for Port Crescent and Sleeper State Parks and Sanilac Petroglyphs Historic State Park

The Department of Natural Resources is hosting a workshop for the public to provide suggestions on the proposed Phase 1 General Management Plans for these three state parks located in Huron and Sanilac counties.

The public input workshop will be held on Wednesday, March 30, from 6:30 to 8:30 p.m., at the Franklin Inn Motor Lodge, located at 1070 East Huron Ave., in Bad Axe. The general management plans serve as a guide for future planning and use of the state parks.

Both Sleeper and Port Crescent state parks are located in Huron County on the shores of Saginaw Bay. They offer a broad range of recreation opportunities, including camping, cabins, day-use trails and beach access. They also protect and preserve unique natural and cultural resources within the state parks.

Sanilac Petroglyphs Historic State Park is located in the northern portion of Sanilac County. This park’s primary purpose is to provide public access to the historically significant petroglyphs for education and interpretation opportunities.

DNR Parks and Recreation Division staff and their planning consultant, Birchler Arroyo Associates, will present an overview of the proposed plans for each park at the beginning of the workshop. Staff will then be available to address questions regarding each park, the planning efforts underway and, most importantly, take comments and suggestions from the public regarding the proposed plans and future development of these parks.

For more information about this workshop, the proposed plans, or persons needing accommodations to attend this workshop, contact Paul Curtis, DNR Park Management Plan administrator, at 517-335-4832 (TTY/TDD711 Michigan Relay Center for the hearing impaired) at least five business days before the workshop. To learn more about these parks, visit www.michigan.gov/stateparks.

Other DNR Information
The Recreation Passport has replaced motor vehicle permits for entry into Michigan state parks, recreation areas and state-administered boating access fee sites. This new way to fund Michigan's outdoor recreation opportunities also helps to preserve state forest campgrounds, trails, and historic and cultural sites in state parks, and provides park development grants to local communities.

Michigan residents can purchase the Recreation Passport ($10 for motor vehicles; $5 for motorcycles) by checking "Yes" on their license plate renewal forms, or at any state park or recreation area. To learn more about the Recreation Passport, visit www.michigan.gov/recreationpassport or call 517-241-7275.

Non-resident motor vehicles must still display a valid Non-Resident Recreation Passport ($29 annual; $8 daily) to enter a Michigan state park, recreation area or state-administered boating access fee site, which can be purchased at any state park or recreation area, or through the Michigan e-Store at www.michigan.gov/estore.

The Department of Natural Resources is committed to the conservation, protection, management, and accessible use and enjoyment of the state’s natural resources and related economic interests for current and future generations. To learn more, visit www.michigan.gov/dnr.