Love Your RV videos: Renovating the Interior of a Fifth-Wheel

Ray Burr, a fulltimer and author of the popular Love Your RV blogsite, said their Keystone Cougar fifth wheel is now four years old and the interior is starting to show some wear.  They live full time in our rig and the original furnishings and carpet is pretty well thrashed. They've decided this summer to do some renos to the interior. Here's the first of two video about their project.

About Love Your RV
Three and one half years ago Ray and Anne Burr sold their home in Victoria, British Columbia, and bought a brand new fifth wheel trailer. They set off on an amazing one-year journey traveling all around the U.S. and Canada. About three months into it, they knew this was the life for them and became full timers traveling south in the winters and retreating to the north for the summers. They regularly update their blogsite of their travels and adventures.