Two Videos from RV Education 101 on Dometic Trim Line Awnings and RV Sewer Hoses Tips

In this informative RV how to video Mark Polk with RV Education 101 demonstrates the features and benefits of a Dometic Trim Line patio awning. If you are looking for a compact lightweight and attractive awning for your pop up, truck camper or vintage trailer the Dometic Trim Line patio awning is for you. Get it here:


In this premier RV101.TV video Mark Polk with RV Education 101 offers some helpful tips and tricks for RV sewer hoses and accessories. If it is your job to empty the RV holding tanks, and hook-up, disconnect and store the RV sewer hose when it's time to leave the campground you won't want to miss this video.

RV Education 101 e-book series
As I've said many times, Mark Polk is my favorite RV expert. I'm pleased he and his wife, Dawn, have allowed me to sell his RV e-book series. E-books (electronic books) are immediately downloaded to your computer after you make the purchase. The RV Education 101 e-book series includes:
  • "The Original Checklist for RVers"
  • "The RV Book"
  • "RV Campground Basics"
  • "101 Tips for RVers"
  • "RV Care and Maintenance"
  • "Insiders Guide to Buying an RV"
  • "Winterizing & Storing your RV"
  • "RV Awning Use & Care"
  • "Deep Cycle Battery Care & Maintenance"
  • "RV Buyers Survival Guide"
  • "Complete Guide To: RV Towing, Weights, Hitch Work & Backing"
  • "Pop-Up Basics 101"
  • "Dinghy Towing"