The Best Board Games of All Time?

Many Scrabble games have been played in our camper when
the clouds rolled in and the raindrops came pouring down.
I came across this website,, the other day. Among others things, it lists the best board games of all time. That's quite a bold statement. But the list is 76 board games long, so chances are pretty good they've gotten more than a few right. But, I gotta question some of these. Never even heard of them (Puerto Rico?).

Why are board games important to us RVers?
Because of rain, that's why. Mother Nature's way of saying I don't care about your camping trip.

By the way, I'm only giving you their top 20. You'll need to click the link above to find out the other 56 board games that made their list.

1. Chess
2. Monopoly
3. Scrabble
4. Risk
5. Settlers of Catan
6. Clue
7. Ticket to Ride
8. Uno
9. Battleship
10. Apples to Apples
11. Dominion
12. Puerto Rico
13. Yahtzee
14.  Trivial Pursuit
15. Stratego
16. Checkers
17. Sorry
18. Agricola
19. Carcassonne
20. Pictionary