The Michigan Department of Natural Resources is hosting the 16th annual Saginaw Bay Waterfowl Festival on Aug. 6-7 at Bay City State Recreation Area. The festival runs from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. Saturday and 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. on Sunday. Festival activities focus on the ducks and geese, which depend upon the wetlands of the Saginaw Bay Watershed for staging, nesting and breeding habitat.
Visitors are invited to participate in a wide range of activities and programs, and learn about Michigan’s waterfowl resources, the sport of waterfowl hunting and conservation programs, which need volunteers to succeed. The event is co-sponsored by the Michigan Duck Hunters Association (MDHA), the Friends of Bay City State Recreation Area and the Frank N. Andersen Foundation. Last year over 10,000 visitors attended this popular event.
The festival’s main events include:
The Michigan Duck Stamp Competition — This event showcases the entries in the 2012 MDHA Duck Stamp Contest, which is open to all artists. This will be the only opportunity for the general public to view all entries for the 2012 Duck Stamp. The Michigan Duck Stamp Program began 34 years ago to raise money for wetland habitat restoration and habitat acquisition for waterfowl. A portion of every waterfowl stamp and print purchased goes toward Michigan wetland habitat restoration.
Waterfowl Calling Championships — The Michigan Goose Calling Competition and the Michigan Championship Duck Calling Contest are two of the festival’s popular events. The calling competitions include Master and Novice divisions. There will also be Junior Duck Calling Competition and a Junior Goose Calling Contest for youth ages 16 and under. The festival will also host a Team Duck Calling Contest, designed for teams of two hunters using working field calls, on Saturday. The Saginaw Bay Chapter of Delta Waterfowl will also offer youth and adult calling classes to improve your calling skills.
Hunting and Outdoor Recreation Expo — Over 100 exhibitors will be involved in the Hunting and Outdoor Recreation Expo, providing waterfowl enthusiasts with hunting, archery, camping, boating, wildlife watching and habitat enhancement products and wares. The expo includes a special Wildlife Art and Craft Show with fine art originals, prints, photos, carvings and crafts all inspired by the wonder and beauty of nature.
Dog Fun Hunt Trial — Bring your retriever to participate in the Dog Fun Hunt Trial. Learn tips from trainers on dog handling or find a new hunting buddy in "Puppy Alley."
Quack-Athalon — One of the increasingly popular events is designed to offer an opportunity for adults to mentor young hunters in a three-person team (one adult, two youth) competition. The "Quack-Athalon" is a contest of skill and timing in three events: canoeing, air rifle marksmanship and duck identification.
Special Exhibits — Displays by featured wildlife artists, including 1994 Duck Stamp artist David Bollman; wildlife carvers Jim and Margie Wicks; wildlife photographer Dan Klauss and Taxidermy by Dourlain taxidermist John VanSlambrouck. Visitors will also be able to judge the Wildlife Carving Show entries and the Wildlife Photography Contest entries.
For more details on these activities and information for exhibitors, visit; stop by the Saginaw Bay Visitor Center, located within Bay City State Recreation Area, 3582 State Park Drive in Bay City; or call 989-667-0717.
Various wildlife arts that are being exhibited on the recent competition by renound artists.