J. W. Wells State Park is hosting a weekend Arts and Crafts Sale from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Saturday, June 11, at the park, located at N7670 Highway M-35 in Cedar River. The event is open to the public.
All non-campers must register with the park prior to the day of the sale to ensure adequate space. The only requirement to display and sell items is a Recreation Passport. All crafters must bring their own table, chairs, extension cords, canopies and other equipment. The park is only permitting the sale of new and handmade items. The sale of food items is not allowed.
Campers wishing to participate in the sale will be able to use their campsite. Campers can make advance reservations to guarantee their spot. For reservations, call 800-447-2757 or visit www.midnrreservations.com. For questions or details about the sale, call the park, 906-863-9747.
The Recreation Passport has replaced motor vehicle permits for entry into Michigan state parks, recreation areas and state-administered boating access fee sites. This new way to fund Michigan's outdoor recreation opportunities also helps to preserve state forest campgrounds, trails and historic and cultural sites in state parks, and provides park development grants to local communities.
Michigan residents can purchase the Recreation Passport ($10 for motor vehicles; $5 for motorcycles) by checking "YES" on their license plate renewal forms, or at any state park or recreation area. Nonresident motor vehicles must still display a valid nonresident Recreation Passport ($29 annual; $8 daily) to enter a Michigan state park, recreation area or state-administered boating access fee site; these can be purchased at any state park or recreation area, or through the Michigan e-Store at www.michigan.gov/estore. To learn more about the Recreation Passport, visit www.michigan.gov/recreationpassport or call 517-241-7275.
The Michigan Department of Natural Resources is committed to the conservation, protection, management, use and enjoyment of the state's natural and cultural resources for current and future generations. For more information, go to www.michigan.gov/dnr.
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