Winter is settling in, but there’s plenty of cold-weather fun planned at Sleepy Hollow State Park in Laingsburg, Michigan this December. Outreach coordinator Michelle Trowbridge will lead several free programs, open to participants of all ages, on the first three Saturdays of the month at 11 a.m. Programs include:
Dec. 6: Geocaching & Cocoa
Join Michelle at the park's east picnic area for some winter geocaching. After the expedition, participants are invited to warm up by the fire with hot cocoa. GPS units will be available for participants to borrow, free of charge.
Dec. 13: Nature Treasure Hunt & S’mores
Meet at the beach for a hunt of the treasures Mother Nature left in the winter. Afterward, come warm up by the fire and make a s’more.
Dec. 20: Bird Feeders & Cocoa
Learn how to make a bird feeder for feathered friends and enjoy the fire and some cocoa at the east picnic area. All birdhouse materials provided.
Please contact the park at 517-651-6217 for more information about these programs. Sleepy Hollow is located at 7835 E. Price Road in Laingsburg, approximately 30 minutes north of Lansing.
All programs are free of charge, but all vehicles entering the park must have a Recreation Passport.
A Recreation Passport is required for any motor vehicle entering a Michigan state park, boat launch, state forest campground or nonmotorized state trailhead parking. Residents can purchase the Passport for just $11 ($5 for motorcycles) at the time of Michigan license plate renewal through Secretary of State. Forgot to check “YES” during renewal? Residents and nonresidents can purchase a Recreation Passport window sticker during regular business hours at state parks.
Learn more about how the Recreation Passport supports state parks and local outdoor recreation opportunities at
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