Now that the children are back in school, football season has kicked off and the first apples of the season have been harvested – it is time to dig out your favorite sweater, take a step outside and view Michigan’s magnificent display of fall colors.
If you were looking to get in one last camping or hiking experience this fall and wanted to see the colors – now is your chance.
“Each year we are treated to the most beautiful display of nature’s version of fireworks, and this year is no exception,” said Lynne Boyd, chief of the Department of Natural Resources’ Forest Management Division. “Colors have just begun changing in the Upper Peninsula, and we expect them to move downstate through the end of October.”
Fall weather conditions that allow for the best diversification of colors are warm sunny days, followed by cool nights with temperatures below 45 degrees Fahrenheit, but above freezing. It also helps if the trees have received ample moisture through the growing season followed by a somewhat drier fall.
Conditions have been relatively dry in the northern counties this summer, putting a strain on the trees and making it more difficult for them to display their colors. As a result, the color show could be shorter and more muted through that area, although nature is anything but predictable and there is a good chance that we will be treated to a beautiful color display.
Residents and visitors should see fantastic colors as they move south through the state. Above-average rainfall combined with ideal daily weather conditions may allow the trees in the lower part of the state to fully display their colors.
Now is your chance to get out there and see for yourself the spectacular colors of fall. To find a state forest campground or trail visit:
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