More than 1,200 workers will be hired for summer jobs by the Department of Natural Resources in state parks, state recreation areas, boating facilities and visitor centers. Applications are being accepted now for positions such as greeting park visitors at the contact booth, selling Recreation Passport entrance permits, and performing operations and maintenance work such as mowing, landscaping, trail maintenance, janitorial and clerical work.
Summer employees are needed at Michigan's 98 state parks and recreation areas, nearly 700 boating access sites and 16 state harbors located around the state. Part- and full-time employment is available, with an opportunity to work up to 1,040 hours during the summer season. Seasonal employees are paid a minimum of $7.65 per hour. Applicants must be 18 or older and willing to work varied shifts, including weekends, evenings and holidays.
More information about seasonal jobs with the DNR can be found at
"These are great jobs for college students, individuals who are looking to re-enter the workforce, retirees or anyone who enjoys being active in the outdoors," said Ron Olson, chief of the DNR's Recreation Division.
In addition to seasonal workers for operations and maintenance, the DNR also hires summer naturalists to work as Explorer Guides or staffing the DNR visitor centers at one of the state parks, recreation areas or fish hatcheries. These jobs are suitable for persons wanting to gain experience in resource education. Typical job duties may include preparing and presenting a variety of programs, hikes or tours for park visitors on topics related to the resources within the parks and hatcheries. Training and program supplies are provided. Explorer Guides work individually within their parks, while visitor center employees work under the guidance of a permanent DNR park interpreter.
Interested individuals should submit an employment application to the park, recreation area, boating facility, or visitor center where they would like to work. Applicants should specify the position type - State Worker, Seasonal Park Ranger, Explorer Guide or Visitor Center.
The State of Michigan is an equal opportunity employer. For more information about working in a state park, recreation area, or boating facility, or to download an application, visit, under "Seasonal Information." Applications are also available at all state parks or recreation areas. For more information about the Explorer Guide Program only, send an e-mail to
The Department of Natural Resources is committed to the conservation, protection, management, and accessible use and enjoyment of the state's natural resources and related economic interests for current and future generations. To learn more, visit
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